

A Note of Appreciation

There are really no words to describe how in awe we are of everyone who has donated, shared, commented, and liked my gofundme and Facebook page. The pouring of support and love brings me to tears everytime I see a new notification, beyond humbling as it was quite difficult to admit the need and ask for help.

As I overhear my husband on the phone say “all the doors have been closed in the past and they are just all opening showing us this is the way” it couldn't be more true. I tried to keep my background story as brief as possible and things are not set in stone yet, but I wanted to mention that my EDS doctor was actually the encourager to take this leap of faith and that if it worked out, she would accompany me to Germany so we could learn and take back the knowledge to top doctors she’s found who are willing to learn and help other EDS patients just like me.

I will continue making updates on my blog & gofundme page. Another little coincidence in all this is that my uncle is from Germany. Because of COVID there are still travel regulations preventing us from flying or scheduling anything yet. My uncle will be calling back the German Embassy on Monday to see if there’s a possibility of getting restrictions lifted for this medical situation because of my deteriorating health. On the German end all things are good to go and they are ready when we are. 

To all my old friends and new, family close and far, and strangers who are now blessings, thank you. 

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