

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome {Part 1}

I was working on my POTS & Dysautonomia Awareness post when I discovered that today is Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Diseases Awareness Day. I could not let a chance go by to advocate for it. I believe scientists, researchers, and doctors are finally starting to understand what causes of a lot of my rare diseases and it starts with these mast cells. 

I haven't found a simple video to break down what entails with specifically Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) because there are so many parts  important to know. I thought these infographics from this awesome blog to show concise visuals, but if you have any chronic illness or health issues, I urge you to watch both doctors presentations below. I will echo a lot of what is said in them and go into more detail for Part 2, but for today, have a listen below:

(Start at 17:03)

I would like to end with a quote by Dr. Maitland "you need to empower yourselves and you need to know how to ask the questions."

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