

Let Your Glory Fall

I think it's a perfect time to share this song again as it has been raining outside all day today. I listened to this song over and over at a very low time where I didn't know how I was going to stay strong with the pain I'm in. It feels a little surreal to be able to listen to this and praise Him that things are happening and moving. Prayers are being answered. I have a lot to write about the past week and yes, although I still have pain and all my health issues, I now have doctors that are doing something about it.

The last post I shared was mostly updates about my vascular compressions, and this post where I asked my prayer warriors to pray for a new path and direction that's God's plan, well I'm excited to tell you that a new path and direction has been made! I will be having a surgery on the 27th (yes this month) to put a stent in my iliac vein for my May-Thurner Syndrome.

I have so much more to share, but I'm still exhausted from the traveling, I'm currently in another "flare" from all the pushing and prodding on my abdomen and pelvis at the appointments, and the last of my energy went to making it to another check up with my local doctor here today. I promise I will catch everyone up and explain soon, but right now I need to focus on preparing for my surgery in 10 days that will be in Houston. I also want to soak up as much family time as possible before being away for 10 days until my post op when I'm allowed to travel back.

I want to say a huge thank you to my mom and step-dad for taking me and the girls to Houston for my appointment Monday and my aunt & uncle who took me to my appointments and will do so much more in the upcoming weeks to make all of this happen. Also, of course a thank you for all the continued prayers!

"Let your presence flood my life, oh Lord"
                    -Kari Jobe

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