

Point to Him

I have been able to function this week because I finally got medicine for my pain. My sister asked if it makes me feel 100% and I told her the pain is always there, but it makes it bearable. That meant we were able to make it to church today. I'm so beyond grateful for a church family who never makes us feel bad if we aren't there and genuinely keeps up with us to make sure we don't need help. A couple weeks ago at a wedding, multiple women from our church and reached out to come watch the girls if I was in too much pain or just needed to go out and get groceries. I was beyond humbled. Today one of the men asked if I knew how much they all loved me. Oh, how the feeling is mutual. I don't know where I would be going through this experience without God, my faith, and community

I want to make sure when there is focus on how well I'm doing or answers, that I always point to Him and give Him praise for it all. It's not me. When I'm able to stay strong and continue to have hope especially during trying times, He gives me specific people to reach out and be there for me, time and time again. Like the nurse at my pain specialist appointment who asked if she could continue praying for me even after she was going off shift. While I was in waiting room to try a nerve block, she was a crying shoulder because I didn't know what else to do to get relief and I was so nervous. She had gone through the same thing with pain and having young children. She knew we were going to get answers. And guess what? As I was praying on that operating table before the doctor started, I could've never imagined what would happen next. The doctor saw something on that x ray, something that would give us some answers, something that validated my pain, something that got me some medicine to help function as we continue to figure all this out. Earlier I was even irritated and angry. I hadn't eaten or drank anything that morning for my appointment so when we decided on a nerve block, they said I could get anesthesia and I would have procedure as soon as they could get insurance approved and get my ready. While we were waiting, that same nurse brought me a cup of water. As I was rechecking in for the surgery center, the receptionist takes one look at me and my water and says, "you can't have anesthesia now." At the time I couldn't understand there was a reason for me not having it. If I was knocked out, I wouldn't have been able to talk to the operating doctor and give him feedback or see with my own eyes his very unusual find. Who knows if he also would've just tried anyway without deciding we needed more scans, talk to all the other doctors, or bring in my doctor I saw that morning who knew all my issues and pain.

I point to Him and share with you that all your prayers are working. That day was such a testimony.

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