

Support Groups

When I first joined the Facebook Support Groups, I didn't know what to expect. I had no idea they would help navigate my health more than any medical practitioner to finally figure out what was causing my debilitating pain and get surgery. I also didn't realize that I'd meet forever friends without leaving my house or have to see them in person. 


Of course there's always a positive and negative to everything. For me personally it was beneficial when asking a question for direction and feedback about doctors and next steps when I wouldn't know where to turn. I would also be blown away how my experience would become valuable to others and they would soon reach out to me so I could give back. I think you do just have to realize that some people become very passionate about one certain surgery or a certain doctor not understanding everyone doesn't always have the same options, finances, or location. 

I also think a problem is that a lot of doctors don't understand that us patients can be interested in actual research journals/studies and not just "googling" to scare ourselves with worst case scenario. It's been incredibly rewarding to find doctors who see the value and actually are impressed by the knowledge we have about our condition, body, and treatment options and get to have very interesting conversations that might benefit their other patients. The goal of the support groups is to give hope and to spread awareness so everyone can get an early diagnosis and have the same access to treatment. 








 Multiple Vascular Compressions-


Texas EDS -


Mother with EDS or Chronic Illness-

 EDS Related Conditions-



PICC Line-


Are there any that you've been in that you would love to share because they've helped you? You have to keep in mind before these groups so many had to navigate their health in the dark, but they didn't want others to suffer so they created them 💜 If you haven't thanked an administrator of the group or someone you know who advocates for awareness, please do. They don't hear it enough and sacrifice time and energy that I don't think many realize. If you also find a good doctor who listens and encourages you to share your knowledge, make sure to thank them as well.


Ashly said...

Nice! This is very similar to what I have on my website (not published yet). I point these out to so many patients I work with. They saved my life. ♥️

Marlee said...

Ashly, I can't wait to read yours when it's published and share on here �� I'm glad to know we have similar and how valuable they've been for you as well ❤️ I was disappointed to hear the new changes Facebook has made and what this will mean for advice and guidance. Do you think admins will change platforms or learn to adapt?